Light, 2017, video excerpt, 37 sec
Responding to the theme LIGHT Initial experiments were an attempt to record observations with photography and video. I was interested in the quiet everyday moments where light falls and flickers, sways or dapples a surface. These are images that we take for granted and yet they are deeply stirring and arresting. I was also drawn to using macro lenses to observe light in water and other fluids and through glass and plastics. I found that trying out experimental ways of allowing light to infuse a moment and by extension, an image, I could achieve some interesting and unexpected results. I particularly liked the outcome of using different veils and meshes and the use of bokeh to create abstraction.
Light, 2017, video excerpt, 57 sec
LIGHT is an INSIDE ART project and curated event, which took part in October 2017 across various venues. Being part of the INSIDE ART collective, I was keen to respond to the theme and develop some ideas that I had been thinking about and researching for a while. My response manifested as an installation that included wall sculpture, video, animation, photography and cyanotype prints.
The imagery in the cyanoype prints references the imagery in the looped video piece, which is a succession of clips that are short contemplations about light. Some of the imagery is captured and some staged. Much of the imagery is abstracted and there is a geometric theme that runs across the parts of this installation. The film’s clips are equal in duration and numerologically reference the hexagonal tessellation that is made from folded paper. The inspiration for the geometric tessellation comes from the sacred geometry concept of the Seed of Life. This six-pointed tessellation is echoed in the animation Earth Metal Kaleidoscope, which also has the same duration in length as each of the video clips.
Earth Metal Kaleidoscope, 2017, animation, 12 sec looped
Earth Metal Kaleidoscope was originally an exercise in drawing. First developed from a series of drawings onto a template of a hexagonal tessellation, which when folded became a 3D object with kinetic capabilities. In order for all surfaces to be seen, the piece became a 12 second looped animation. Earth Metal Kaleidoscope is part of the installation, Light. It references several themes within the other parts of the work, in particular, the hexagonal tessellation that is present in the wall sculpture-video installation and the numerology that exists and is referenced between the video (in which there are back to back clips each of 12 seconds in duration) and the hexagonal shape.